
It’s in the “nature” of the representation: ASIC and the ACCC continue to focus on environmental and sustainability claims

The term “greenwashing” has been used in the media for some time. It refers to potentially false or misleading representations made about the environmental benefits of a product.

13 December 2023


More than one way to take reasonable steps

Legislation increasingly expects companies and individuals to take reasonable steps in a number of different contexts.

13 December 2023


D&O insurance in 2023: Softening market, hardening judicial approach to penalties

After five years of consistently difficult and prohibitive market conditions, capacity is finally starting to return to the Australian D&O insurance market.

13 December 2023


Waiving performance hurdles: New ASX guidance

The ASX’s latest compliance update provides the most definitive guidance we have seen from the ASX on the application of ASX listing rule (LR) 6.23.3.

13 December 2023


While the merger reform debate continues, the ACCC is finding new ways to use existing powers

The ACCC has advocated for changes to Australia’s merger clearance regime for some time. In April 2023, the ACCC formally proposed a series of reforms to address its concerns and, in November 2023, the Government published a consultation paper seeking views on a number of reform options, with submissions due by January 2024.

13 December 2023