Transitioning to Future Energy

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Global energy markets are undertaking a rapid transformation as the world focuses on the energy transition as a key lever in the path to net zero.

Australia has both an enormous challenge and opportunity if it is to emerge as a leader in this space. We need to replace our coal fired fleet, reconfigure our markets, update our regulatory frameworks and build out our transmission system. We also have some of the world’s best renewable resource, the potential to develop large green hydrogen and offshore wind projects and access to large Asian export markets who are also looking for green fuel solutions. King & Wood Mallesons is at the forefront of innovation and reform in the energy sector, partnering with our clients to shape the energy transition. 



Make sense of the digital transformation and regulatory landscape governing data, emerging tech, and the energy transition for a more sustainable future.

Insight | ESG: Enabling Sustainable Growth

Risks of Gen AI - Energy and ESG

The vast majority of AI systems are trained and deployed on power-hungry servers housed in large data centres that use enormous amounts of electricity and water, amplifying the effects of climate change that are already being felt around the world.

23 May 2024

"The practice is recognised for its high-level interactions with official bodies concerning the future evolution of the national energy policy" 

- Chambers Australia - Energy & Natural Resources 2023


As has been the case for some time now, energy is no longer being exclusively generated by large power stations. Rather, it is increasingly being generated, stored and distributed back to the grid by consumer energy resources. 


Opening the doors to international funding for Australian critical minerals

Over the past week, several positive announcements have been made for Australian listed critical minerals mining companies and critical minerals projects within Australia

03 October 2024

Uranium, the energy transition & the nuclear fuel global supply chain

In 2023, the Sapporo 5 (a strategic partnership between the United States, Canada, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom) agreed to collaborate to develop a secure and resilient global nuclear supply chain.

16 September 2024

Consumer Energy Resources: AI and automation

Consumer energy resources (CERs) are consumer-owned devices that generate, store, or manage electricity.

05 September 2024

Sustainable aviation fuel in Aussie skies? Government nods but more consultation needed

The Federal Government’s much-anticipated “Aviation White Paper – Towards 2050” landed on 26 August 2024.

03 September 2024

Leading the Charge: EV Battery Supply Chains

The strong global push to electrify the world’s vehicle population has in turn created exponential demand for the various components comprising an EV, with the most important being its energy source – the battery. The EV battery (and its supply chain) serves as the single most valuable part of an EV, typically accounting for 30% to 40% of the value of the vehicle[1]. This high cost is mainly attributed to the battery’s composition of several critical raw minerals, including lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel and graphite[2]. As we share below, these minerals are hard to come by and supply is concentrated in the hands of a few countries.

24 July 2024

The Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive: what to expect (and why more detail is needed)

The Federal Government's commitment to fostering a Future Made in Australia is set to introduce significant incentives for businesses engaged in the critical minerals sector.

22 July 2024

Critical Minerals - the central role of copper to AI and net zero

Artificial intelligence, in particular generative AI, is rapidly reshaping our global critical minerals landscape.

16 July 2024

Consumer Energy Resources: data and privacy

Welcome back to our 5-part series exploring the emerging opportunities and challenges associated with the uptake of CER in Australia from a tech law perspective, with a focus on privacy and data, AI and automation, cyber security and contracting to enable the transition to CER.

20 June 2024

Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (WA)

On 14 May 2024, the Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (WA) received Royal Assent (the Act).

19 June 2024

Critical Minerals - Funding initiatives & the 2024 Federal Budget

Following the recent announcement of the 2024 Federal Budget and the upcoming Future Made in Australia Act, the Federal Government’s end-to-end energy transition focus is clear. As highlighted in our earlier insight, Minister for Resources Madeleine King has indicated that critical minerals funding will be vital in building the foundation of the Future Made in Australia Act, which was reflected in the 2024 Federal Budget announcements.

31 May 2024

Risks of Gen AI - Energy and ESG

The vast majority of AI systems are trained and deployed on power-hungry servers housed in large data centres that use enormous amounts of electricity and water, amplifying the effects of climate change that are already being felt around the world.

23 May 2024

Federal Budget May 2024-25: Green Energy & Advanced Manufacturing

The Government has provided some details regarding its recently announced Future Made in Australia package.

14 May 2024

Future Gas Strategy – Transitioning towards net zero

On 9 May 2024, the Federal Government released the Future Gas Strategy, which will guide the Australian Government’s policymaking to support Australia’s economic transition to net zero.

14 May 2024

Commonwealth releases details on Capacity Investment Scheme in Western Australia

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has shed more light on how the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) will operate in Western Australia’s Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM), with the release of a Western Australia Design Paper (Design Paper) on 12 April 2024.

02 May 2024

Australia’s Foreign Investment Regime and Critical Minerals – “major overhaul” to be announced today by the Treasurer

As the global energy transition continues to develop, change is on the horizon. Global critical mineral supply and demand, technological development, and the clean energy transition will continue to drive investment as government and industry stakeholders look for opportunities.

01 May 2024

Accelerated planning permit application assessment for renewables projects in Victoria

Victoria’s Minister for Planning has gazetted changes which enable accelerated assessment of planning applications for renewable energy facilities, utility installations, and associated subdivisions, to unlock investment and help Victoria meet its legislated emissions reduction, renewable energy, and net zero targets.

23 April 2024

Carbon Markets Regulatory Tracker

As Australia transitions to a low-carbon economy, we see carbon markets play an increasing role to help achieve net zero ambitions. Staying on top of deadlines and developments is essential.

26 March 2024

Climate litigation review 2023: disputes heat up (no cool change ahead)

The global trend of increased climate litigation showed no signs of abating in 2023. Several new proceedings were instituted in Australia, including by regulators as they take an increasingly active approach particularly in relation to ‘greenwashing’.

21 February 2024

Carbon Farming Methods in 2024: passing the pen from Government to proponents

has held the pen when it comes to deciding what carbon farming projects can be carried out and what boxes those projects must tick under the relevant methods to be eligible.

12 February 2024

Sleeping Carbon Giant Awakes: China’s Renewed Voluntary Carbon Market is Here – What You Need to Know

The long-awaited renewal of the China Certified Emission Reductions (CCER) market is expected to drive trading activity, develop the market and spur innovation. This is a critical step towards China reaching its ‘30.60’ decarbonisation target: peak emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

26 January 2024

New year, and a new dawn for hydrogen and renewable energy regulation in South Australia

The South Australian Government has passed an important legislative reforms for the regulation and licensing of hydrogen production and renewable energy facilities, expected to make it a ‘first mover’ among Australian State and Territory jurisdictions in 2024.

19 January 2024

Consumer Energy Resources: A tech enabled transformation

The way that energy is generated, distributed and consumed in Australia is changing and technology is a key enabler of this change.

15 December 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Regional Snapshot

In our country chapters, we look at initiatives to encourage the transition to a net zero economy – across emissions reduction targets, carbon markets, financing, transport, housing and buildings, and agriculture. Here is a brief snapshot. More detail and examples are in the country chapters.

24 November 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition: Spotlight on Southeast Asia, Japan and the Republic of Korea

The reality of the ground we need to cover to reach global decarbonisation targets is driving policies, investment and innovation. To do this effectively and within desired timeframes it’s critical that we embrace collaboration by working together, sharing knowledge and simply connecting people.

24 November 2023

Climate Active Reforms: dumping “carbon neutral” and getting real with direct emissions reductions

On Friday 20 October, the Commonwealth Government announced its proposed updates to the Australian Government’s Climate Active certification program.

02 November 2023

Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023: The next step in QLD’s energy transition

After four weeks of consultation on an exposure draft in June, the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (the Bill) was introduced to Parliament this week to enshrine the commitments from the Plan into law.

26 October 2023

The security services of spinning machines: a primer on essential system services

The National Electricity Market (NEM) is transitioning from a dependency coal to a system which will run at times entirely on renewable energy.

25 October 2023

Indonesia’s Nickel Rush – Riding the Waves of the EV Battery Revolution

Nickel is set to become one of the most important critical minerals in the net zero transition, reaching a predicted global market of almost US$60bn within 5 years. Future industry growth will be driven by the dramatic increase in demand for lithium-ion EV batteries – of which nickel is a key component. Given the exponential growth in demand, there is still a high risk that supply will fall short in the coming decade.

12 October 2023

ACCC authorises Brookfield / Origin acquisition on public benefit grounds

On 10 October 2023, the ACCC authorised Brookfield and MidOcean’s proposed acquisition of Origin Energy Limited (Origin) (Proposed Acquisition).

10 October 2023

What carbon offset strategy best suits your business?

The voluntary carbon markets present a range of opportunities for business to execute its decarbonisation strategy. Under Australia’s predominant carbon market, the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme administered by the Clean Energy Regulator, more than 13 million ACCUs were transacted in the first quarter of 2023. This is over half the number transacted in 2022, and more than the total transacted in 2020 and 2021 combined.[1]

05 September 2023

Winds of change: review of Queensland’s wind farm development requirements

On 7 August 2023 the Queensland Government initiated consultation on proposed amendments to State Code 23 (Wind Farm Code) and its associated guidelines for onshore wind farm development projects.

10 August 2023

The Safeguard Mechanism is now law – here’s your to-do list for Australia’s new carbon rules

The Federal Government has reformed the Safeguard Mechanism to put Australia’s largest industrial emitters on a pathway to net zero by 2050.

08 August 2023

Is Your Global Value Chain Sustainable? Europe’s Rules Herald New Era of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD)

New rules in the EU that will force large companies to check their value chain for any negative human rights and environmental impacts have inched closer.

31 July 2023

Equitable fuel of the future? Developing the hope of hydrogen

The global appetite for cost-competitive green hydrogen has seen the US, the EU, Australia and others introduce incentives to lure investment and encourage development.

17 July 2023

Finalised gas market code comes into effect

The Competition and Consumer (Gas Market Code) Regulations was passed on 6 July 2023 (the Code).

12 July 2023

Hydrogen Headstart program: Who will the Australian Government pick as the front runner?

ARENA and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water have published a consultation paper outlining indicative specifications for the program. The consultation paper covers proposed objectives, eligibility criteria and detail regarding the proposed funding mechanism, as well as other features of the program.

07 July 2023

Considering Sustainability-linked Derivatives? What You Need to Know

The sustainable finance market is evolving at an accelerating pace. One recent trend garnering growing interest from market participants is the development of “sustainability-linked derivatives” (SLDs). The first SLD was issued in August 2019. In under four years, based on a market survey conducted by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the number of banks, companies, consultants and other market participants worldwide that have engaged in SLD transactions has grown considerably. This insight explores the key features of SLDs, and outlines some of the documentation and potential regulatory issues for market participants that are considering engaging in SLD transactions. We also set out our key tips for navigating these issues.

21 June 2023

‘World first’ hydrogen and renewable energy reform in South Australia to streamline project approvals

The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill 2023 (SA) (Bill) would, if passed, be the most significant State-level reform in the renewables sector in Australia, by streamlining regulatory processes throughout the life-span of renewable energy and hydrogen production projects. [1]

08 June 2023

Exposure draft of gas market code of conduct released + price cap extended to 2025

The Federal Government has released its proposed Mandatory Code of Conduct for the East Coast Gas Market (Draft Code).

27 April 2023

Victorian Government releases second of three planned Offshore Wind Implementation Statements

In March 2023 the Victorian Government released its second Offshore Wind Implementation Statement. This announcement keeps momentum for the developing Victorian industry at a time when proponents are preparing feasibility licence applications in the Gippsland Declared Area, which are due by 27 April 2023.

27 March 2023

China's carbon markets set to expand in the Year of the Rabbit

When China’s national carbon market launched in 2021, it promised to act as a powerful tool in combatting climate change.

27 March 2023

Gas market reforms – a step too far? Australian Government proposes further reforms in its “need for intervention” in the Australian gas market

On 9 February, the Australian Government announced proposed changes to the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) and requested feedback from relevant stakeholders.

08 March 2023

Declaration of Gippsland as Australia’s first offshore wind area

Offshore wind farms can now be developed in Gippsland, commencing with the feasibility licence application process, following the Commonwealth Government’s declaration of Australia’s first offshore wind area.

21 December 2022

“Need for intervention”: Federal Government releases exposure drafts on gas market instruments

The exposure drafts issued by the Federal Government reflect the establishment of a very broad regulatory framework through which the ACCC can regulate the supply and acquisition of gas.

13 December 2022

Offshore wind in Australia – further developments in regulatory framework ahead of licence applications

Development of the offshore wind sector continues in Victoria with the release of the State Government’s first Offshore Wind Implementation Statement.

22 November 2022

Hydrogen takes centre stage in Singapore’s net zero transition

The Singapore government plans to put low-carbon hydrogen at the heart of plans to accelerate its transition to a net zero economy, releasing a National Hydrogen Strategy to build capability in the space.

01 November 2022

WA Government proposes renewable Hydrogen Target: 10 days left to comment

The WA Government has released a consultation paper Renewable Hydrogen Target for Electricity Generation in the SWIS (Paper)[ ] in relation to a proposed ‘Renewable Hydrogen Target’ scheme (the Scheme).

31 October 2022

Green is the new black! Australia and Singapore trailblaze with ‘first-of-its-kind’ Green Economy Agreement

On 18 October 2022 trade ministers in Australia and Singapore signed the Green Economy Agreement (GEA).

20 October 2022

Safeguard mechanism reforms – consultation opens on draft legislation

On 10 October 2022, the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) opened submissions on exposure draft legislation to reform the Safeguard Mechanism under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) (NGER Act).

12 October 2022

Queensland: A Renewable Energy Superpower

On 28 September 2022, the Queensland Government released the ‘Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan’ (Energy Plan). The $62 billion Energy Plan aims to evolve Queensland into a renewables, hydrogen and clean energy superpower.

30 September 2022

Chapter 2: Powering a net zero world

In 2020, 85% of China’s primary energy needs were met with fossil fuels and 72% in Australia. This is the base from which China and Australia must transform their energy generation and use.

14 September 2022

Chapter 3: Mining and future-facing industries

Surging demand for exports of iron ore, coal and minerals over the last three decades, much due to China’s growth, has brought significant wealth to Australia.

14 September 2022

Chapter 4: Transport and mobility

Transport is among the most emissions-heavy sectors. In 2019 the sector represented 23% of global energy-related emissions according to the 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Mitigation Report.

14 September 2022

Australian Federal Government releases consultation paper on reforms of the safeguard mechanism

The Australian Federal Government’s Climate Change Bill, which incorporates Australia’s new emissions reduction targets of 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050, is well on the way to becoming law.

29 August 2022

Offshore wind areas: the first proposed declared area in Gippsland

Offshore wind farms are one step closer in Australia following an announcement from the Federal Government on Friday.

11 August 2022

China’s Carbon Markets – A Key Tool for Achieving Net Zero

The ability to monetise carbon and trade carbon credits through carbon markets is a core component of the global transition to net zero, without which global efforts to meet critical carbon reduction targets will be severely impacted. China’s national emissions trading scheme (the National ETS) is set to become the world’s largest carbon market by both trading volume and value, and will play an important part in the global net zero transition. The National ETS began trading in July 2021 and currently operates in parallel with nine pilot schemes (each a Pilot Scheme). China’s ability to peak emissions by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2060 (the 30/60 strategy) relies in part on its ability to demonstrate to the world that it has the necessary infrastructure in place to maintain the integrity of the system that it has created to realise its 30/60 strategy.

03 August 2022

Foreign investment in critical minerals - is FIRB really worried?

They can be - let us explain.

05 July 2022

Bald Hills: when wind farm noise creates a nuisance

This recent decision of the Victorian Supreme Court shows that seasonal intermittent night time noise can be enough to create a nuisance.

28 April 2022

Federal Budget 2022-23: Energy & Fuel Excise Deep Dive

In our full Federal Budget Report, we reflected on the fact that Australia remains a ‘lucky’ country in having a stable political environment, vast natural resources and low unemployment. The challenge for the Government will be capitalising on those advantages and being able to smooth short term issues while still ensuring long term prosperity.

30 March 2022

CCS in Australia - a legal guide

Australia’s potential for developing carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects has been touted for some time — legislation for CCS projects has been in place in Victoria and Queensland for over a decade.

30 March 2022

National Gas Infrastructure Plan & Future Gas Infrastructure Investment Framework

These publications outline the Federal Government’s approach to ensuring that sufficient supplies of domestic gas are provided to the Australian east coast gas market. The NGIP and Investment Framework replace the interim NGIP[3] and outline specific short and long-term gas infrastructure projects that the Government may support.

07 February 2022

Victorian onshore gas exploration: Requirements for restarting operations

Written by Dominic Townsend and Grace Lewis.

01 February 2022

Trading carbon in China: a game changer

It is the island home of some of the world’s longest-living people and Wenchang chicken, a dish popular in mainland China and across south-east Asia.

17 December 2021

Offshore Electricity Bill

Written by Claire Rogers and Tim Stanton

29 November 2021

New judicial guidance on landowner compensation under the Mining Act

22 November 2021

Major changes to noise regulation of wind farms in Victoria

Written by Mark Beaufoy and Bridget Phelan.

26 October 2021

Lights on for the CDR in the energy sector

This article was written by Kendra Fouracre and Cheng Lim

25 August 2021

Common law duty of care not inconsistent with public authority’s statutory functions: Western Power partly liable for Parkerville bushfire

This article was written by Kione Johnson and Justin McDonnell

06 July 2021

Prospects for hydrogen in Asia Pacific

Written by Caroline Andretich, Ben Bradstreet, David Phua, Michael Lawson and Craig Rogers

02 June 2021

Green light for the onshore Victorian conventional gas industry

This article was written by Scott Langford, Dominic Townsend and Luci Kjar-Crutterden

27 April 2021

South Australian planning reforms now in full force

This article is written by Tom Crompton and Mark Beaufoy.

25 March 2021

Opportunities in hydrogen

This article was written by Roderick Smythe, Josh Thorneycroft, Maclean Greedy and Rachael Li.

22 December 2020

Australia, Japan hydrogen cooperation agreement offers glimpse of industry potential

This article was written by Louis Chiam, Lachlan Fahey and Anthony Di Gregorio.

28 January 2020

They’re back. ‘Big stick’ electricity laws re-introduced

This article was written by Simon Cooke.

20 September 2019

Hydrogen – energy of the future?

This article was written by Louis Chiam, Annabel Griffin and Lachlan Fahey.

20 August 2019

Taking charge: Federal Government releases consultation paper for CCA amendments targeting the electricity sector

The Federal Government's recent focus on energy markets – and electricity pricing in particular – continued yesterday with the release of a consultation paper detailing changes it is proposing to introduce into the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) that are aimed specifically at electricity market participants, particularly retailers and generators.

25 October 2018

AEMC proposes changes for generators seeking to connect to the national electricity grid

The AEMC is currently considering implementing a rule change that proposes "a flexible approach to setting standards that enables targeted, least-cost ways of connecting new generators". The rule change amends:

21 June 2018

NEG – a key step forward but many more to come

This article was written by Vishal Ahuja, Cal Maher and Estelle Petrie.

26 April 2018

10 things to look out for in the National Energy Guarantee announcement

This article was written by Louis Chiam and Estelle Petrie.

19 April 2018



KWM advises Aula Energy on QLD clean energy project, Boulder Creek Wind Farm

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) is proud to have advised Aula Energy in successfully reaching financial close on the Boulder Creek Wind Farm project in QLD and subsequent sale of a 50% interest in the project to CS Energy.

02 October 2024

KWM advises on record government grant investment for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel industry

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) is pleased to have advised Jet Zero Australia (Jet Zero), an Australian Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) developer, on its $14m investment funding for Project Ulysses, the company’s flagship SAF project in Townsville.

02 October 2024

KWM advises Telstra on its PPA with Global Power Generation, marking Telstra’s seventh PPA

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) is proud to have advised Telstra in a purchase power agreement (PPA) to buy 50 per cent of the electricity generated by the Glenellen solar farm in the New South Wales Riverina Region.

17 September 2024

KWM advises on major power purchase agreement, bolstering Australia's renewable energy

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is pleased to have advised independent renewable energy company SmartestEnergy Australia (as offtaker) in relation to its power purchase agreement (PPA) with Neoen to purchase 50 per cent of the Culcairn Solar farm’s output for four years.

17 September 2024

KWM advises BHP on agreement with CleanCo to enable 100% renewable power at BMA

KWM has advised BHP on a 7-year renewable electricity power purchase agreement (PPA) with CleanCo to supply renewable electricity to BHP Mitsubishi Alliance’s (BMA) steelmaking coal operations in Queensland. The agreement will supply BMA’s operations with renewable electricity commencing in 2027.

29 August 2024

KWM advises on the financing for one of New Zealand’s largest solar farms

KWM is pleased to have advised Lightsource bp on securing NZ$267 million in financing to develop the 168MW Kōwhai Park solar project in Christchurch, New Zealand. Lightsource bp and Contact Energy will jointly develop the renewable energy project, with construction to commence in late 2024 and completion expected in 2026.

29 August 2024

KWM advises ENGIE ANZ on the Goorambat East Solar Farm in Victoria

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised ENGIE in successfully reaching financial close on the Goorambat East Solar Farm, a development located 12km north of Benalla, Victoria.

16 August 2024

KWM closes $13bn in deals - tech and foreign capital powering Australian M&A

Yesterday, King & Wood Mallesons’ M&A teams successfully completed two of the three largest M&A deals in 2024 so far, reflecting strength in technology and cross-border dealmaking.

02 August 2024

KWM advises lenders on the largest financing of a battery energy storage system globally

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is pleased to have acted for lenders on the $650M financing of Akaysha Energy’s Orana Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

19 July 2024

KWM advises on NSW Roadmap Tender 4 for renewable generation infrastructure

King & Wood Mallesons (“KWM”) is delighted to have advised AEMO Services Limited (“ASL”) on Tender Round 4 for Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (“LTESAs”) under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.

02 July 2024

KWM advises on equity raising to enable pursuit of government funding for ASM's Dubbo rare earths project

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is delighted to have advised Australian Strategic Materials Limited (ASM) on its equity raising, which comprises an institutional placement and traditional pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer (Offer).

07 May 2024

King & Wood Mallesons advises transport provider Kinetic on transformational $3.5bn series of financing agreements, furthering net-zero ambition.

King & Wood Mallesons has assisted mass transit company Kinetic to new strategic financing arrangements, raising in excess of A$3.5bn across multiple transactions.

15 April 2024

KWM advises Wollar Solar Holding on its proposed acquisition of TPC

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) is pleased to have advised Wollar Solar Holding Pty Ltd (WSH) - a member of the Beijing Energy Group (BJEI Australia) – on its entry into a Scheme Implementation Agreement under which WSH proposes to acquire TPC Consolidated Limited (TPC) by way of a scheme of arrangement.

02 April 2024

KWM advises Igneo Infrastructure Partners on two Integrated Waste Service investments in NSW and WA

King and Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Igneo Infrastructure Partners (Igneo) - through its Australian waste and resource recovery investment platform, Integrated Waste Services (IWS) - on two IWS investments in NSW and WA.

02 April 2024

KWM advises on 111MW/291MWh Templers Battery Energy Storage System enabling more renewable energy for South Australia

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised ZEN Energy (Zen) on the development of the Templers Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in South Australia (SA).

28 March 2024

King & Wood Mallesons advises Alumina Limited (Alumina) on its proposed $3.3 billion acquisition by Alcoa Corporation (Alcoa)

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is proud to be supporting Alumina in relation to Alcoa’s scrip-for-scrip acquisition of Alumina.

12 March 2024

Landmark Victorian battery project charges ahead with financing secured

Funding for the third stage of Victoria’s landmark Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub (MREH) has been secured, with King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) advising a syndicate of lenders on the A$400m project financing for the development of a 200MW/800MWh Battery Energy Storage System.

14 February 2024

KWM advises financiers on the project financing of the Munna Creek Solar Farm

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised the syndicate of financiers on the project financing of the 120 MWp Munna Creek Solar Farm in Queensland for Mytilineos. The syndicate of lenders comprised Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and Westpac Banking Corporation.

05 February 2024

KWM advises Lightsource bp on the sale of its 1GWP Australian solar farm portfolio to BJEI

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Lightsource bp on the auction sale of its 1GWP Australian solar farm portfolio (with ready-to-build battery storage systems) to Beijing Energy International Holding Co., Ltd. The portfolio consisted of 3 operational solar farms and 2 development stage solar farms located in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

08 January 2024

KWM advises Nabors Energy Transition Corp. on the completion of its business combination with Vast Renewables Limited

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is delighted to have advised Nabors Energy Transition Corp. (NETC) on the completion of its business combination with Vast Renewables Limited (Vast) (previously known as Vast Solar Pty Ltd).

22 December 2023

KWM advises AEMO Services on Tender 3 - Long-Term Energy Service Agreements for generation and long-duration storage projects

King & Wood Mallesons (“KWM”) is delighted to have advised AEMO Services Limited (“ASL”) on the third tender for Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (“LTESAs”) under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. This tender focused on generation and long-duration storage (“LDS”) infrastructure, both of which are critical for NSW’s energy transition.

21 December 2023

KWM advises AEMO Services on Tender 2 for Firming Long-Term Energy Service Agreements

King & Wood Mallesons (“KWM”) is delighted to have advised AEMO Services Limited (“ASL”) on the second tender for Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (“LTESAs”) under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. This tender focused on firming infrastructure and demand response, both of which are critical for NSW energy security.

24 November 2023

KWM advises Stonepeak on acquiring a preferred equity interest in AGP

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised leading alternative investment firm Stonepeak on acquiring a preferred equity interest in AGP Sustainable Real Assets (AGP). AGP invests in, develops and operates sustainable real assets across renewable energy, infrastructure and communities, and natural capital.

13 November 2023

KWM assists ASIFMA on its launch of new report on Upscaling Carbon Markets Across APAC

King & Wood Mallesons Hong Kong is delighted to have worked alongside Asia Securities and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA) and its members in producing the report (the Report) “Upscaling Carbon Markets Across APAC”.

27 October 2023

KWM advises Telstra on power purchase agreement with Munna Creek Solar Farm

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has acted for Telstra to sign a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Munna Creek Solar Farm in Queensland. The project is owned by renewable energy developer Mytilineos through its subsidiary METKA EGN.

20 October 2023

KWM receives Climate Active Carbon Neutral certification on journey to achieve net zero

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is proud to have received Climate Active Carbon Neutral certification of our legal services.

09 October 2023

KWM advises APA Group on its $1.7 billion acquisition of Alinta’s Pilbara Assets and associated $750m capital raising

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised leading Australian energy infrastructure business, APA Group (APA) on its $1.7 billion acquisition of Alinta Energy’s Pilbara business. This business, located in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, is underpinned by contracted operational assets (gas and solar power generation, gas transmission, battery energy storage systems and electricity transmission), together with an extensive development pipeline of projects.

28 August 2023

KWM advises Vector Limited on the sale of 50% interest in Vector Metering

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Vector Limited (Vector) on the 50% sale of its New Zealand and Australian metering business, Vector Metering, to investment vehicles managed and advised by Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC). The sale transaction valued Vector Metering at an enterprise value of NZ$2.5b and resulted in gross proceeds to Vector of NZ$1.7b.

02 August 2023

KWM advises Incitec Pivot Limited on a 20-year urea offtake agreement, boosting Australia's domestic urea production capability

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) on a 20-year offtake agreement with Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd (Perdaman) for the purchase of urea from Perdaman’s proposed urea plant in the Burrup Peninsula in Western Australia.

29 May 2023

KWM advises EMR Capital on its joint venture with KoBold Metals to invest US$150m in copper mine in Zambia

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) advised specialist mining private equity firm EMR Capital on the establishment of its Zambian joint venture with KoBold Metals, a Bill Gates-backed AI battery minerals explorer.

16 May 2023

KWM advising Allkem on $A15.7b merger, creating major new global lithium force

KWM is delighted to be advising Allkem Limited on its A$15.7B all-stock merger of equals with Livent Corp, to create a leading global lithium chemicals producer.

15 May 2023

KWM advises ACT Government on the appointment of Eku Energy to deliver the next stage of the Big Canberra Battery

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised ACT Government on the appointment of global specialist energy storage business, Eku Energy to deliver, operate and own a large-scale battery storage facility as the next stage of the Big Canberra Battery.

05 May 2023

KWM advises AEMO Services on the inaugural tender for Long-Term Energy Services Agreements to underpin ~$32 billion in transition investment

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is delighted to have advised AEMO Services on the first tender for Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.

01 May 2023

KWM advises US-listed SPAC Nabors Energy Transition Corp. on ~$US586m cross-border merger with leading Australian renewable energy company Vast Solar Pty Ltd

KWM has advised Nabors Energy Transition Corp. (NETC), a US-listed special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), on its entry into a business combination with Vast Solar Pty Ltd, a world-leader in concentrated solar thermal power, delivering clean, dispatchable power and heat and green fuels.

03 March 2023

KWM advises Transgrid on $385m federal underwrite of critical supplies for Australia’s energy transition through the Commonwealth’s Rewiring the Nation Plan

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Transgrid on an underwriting agreement with the Commonwealth to expedite and secure orders for critical transmission equipment that will accelerate the delivery of essential transmission infrastructure for Australia’s energy transition. The underwriting agreement will enable Transgrid to bundle their procurement for major projects such as HumeLink, VNI West and Energy Connect, to enable it to compete globally for highly-sought-after equipment and deliver critical infrastructure faster and cheaper for consumers. The KWM team was led by Partner and Energy Sector Lead, Vishal Ahuja and supported by Senior Associate, Shirley Cheng and Solicitor, Tiffany Yang. Commenting on the deal Vishal Ahuja said: “Congratulations to Transgrid on securing this underwriting agreement that will play a strategic part in Australia transitioning to a clean energy future.”

02 March 2023

KWM advises financiers to Zenith Energy on $440 million debt facilities

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) have advised Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Aware Super, BNP Paribas, National Australia Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Westpac Banking Corporation Super as financiers to Zenith Energy Pty Ltd (Zenith Energy) in respect of its A$440 million, five year, syndicated debt facilities.

08 December 2022

KWM advises FTI consulting on vital energy infrastructure asset

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) is extremely proud to have advised Vaughan Strawbridge, Paul Harlond, Chris Hill and Kathryn Evans of FTI Consulting Australia as receivers and managers on all aspects of the receivership of the Basslink Group of Companies. Basslink owns and operates the interconnector cable that links Tasmania with the mainland. It is a vital piece of Australian electricity infrastructure.

24 October 2022

KWM achieves carbon-neutral certification on journey to net-zero emissions

King & Wood Mallesons is proud to have received official Australian Government backed Climate Active Carbon Neutral organisation certification, recognising our investment in projects that reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere.

06 October 2022

KWM advises Nexif Energy on USD1 billion enterprise value sale to RATCH Group

KWM has advised Nexif Energy’s joint venture companies, owners of a leading South-East Asian and Australian renewables and power generation portfolio, on its USD605 million purchase price / USD1 billion enterprise value sale of the portfolio to RATCH Group. The owners of the Nexif Energy joint venture portfolio are funds managed or advised by Denham Capital and Nexif. .

30 August 2022

KWM advises TransGrid on funding for NSW/SA interconnector

KWM is delighted to have advised TransGrid on all aspects of its funding for Project EnergyConnect, the new 900km interconnector between New South Wales and South Australia. This includes a hybrid debt deal with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (representing the green bank's biggest ever deal), as well as a broader funding package. The project is anticipated to unlock the South Australian portfolio of renewables generation, providing a critical link to the load in New South Wales.

02 June 2021


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