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Key information on using this website

This Terms of Use and Legal Notices section provides important information about how King & Wood Mallesons is organised and sets out or refers to the terms governing your use of the website. The location specific notices provide further information on King & Wood Mallesons, including information required by the law and by regulators in the relevant location. If you are in any doubt about any of this information, please contact us (see details below).


This website provides information on and material containing matters of interest produced by King & Wood Mallesons. The material on this website is provided only for your information and does not constitute legal or other advice on any specific matter. Users of this website requiring or seeking legal advice are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own lawyers, and should do so before taking, or refraining from taking, any action in reliance on any information on this website. This website is not intended to and does not create any client/lawyer relationship between any user and any King & Wood Mallesons network firm. 

In this Terms of Use and Legal Notices section "you" and "user" means the individual accessing this website and where that access is made in a business context any company or other organisation of which that individual is an officer, partner, member, employee or agent and other members of the same group as that company or other organisation to whom information on this website is passed.

You need not disclose your identity to us in order to use this website. However you may use this website to provide information including personal information to us and this website may use "cookies" to collect anonymous traffic data from you and other users who access this website. The internet servers may also automatically record details about any computer used to access the website (such as the IP address, domain name and browser type), the date and time of access, and details of the information downloaded. Please see the Privacy Statement and the Cookies Policy for information about how we use and handle personal information provided to or collected by us and about your agreement to the use of that information.

These Terms of Use and Legal Notices and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the website and your use of it, whether of a contractual or non-contractual nature, are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The courts of Hong Kong are to have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this website and your use of it. 

About King & Wood Mallesons

King & Wood Mallesons refers to the network of firms which are members of the King & Wood Mallesons network and their associated service companies.  The firms are:

  • King & Wood Mallesons, a partnership in Australia;
  • 金杜律师事务所 (King & Wood Mallesons), a partnership in the People's Republic of China;
  • 金杜律師事務所 or King & Wood Mallesons, a partnership in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China;
  • King & Wood Mallesons LLP, a Singapore limited liability partnership
  • King & Wood Mallesons LLP, a New York registered limited liability partnership; and
  • King & Wood Mallesons法律事务所 外国法共同事业,a Japan partnership.

All references on this website to "King & Wood Mallesons", "KWM", "the firm", "we" or "us" mean, except where clearly stated, one or more of the member firms in the King & Wood Mallesons network and their associated service companies or the King & Wood Mallesons network itself (prior to joining the King & Wood Mallesons network, network firms used other names), and include KWM Service Limited.

Legal services are provided independently by each of the separate King & Wood Mallesons member firms. No member firm or any of its partners or members acts as agent for any other member firm or any of its partners or members. No individual partner or member in any member firm has authority to bind any other member firm.

King & Wood Mallesons in Australia, King & Wood Mallesons in China and King & Wood Mallesons in Hong Kong are members of Verein KWM International, an association formed under Swiss law, that assists in the co-ordination of the activities of the King & Wood Mallesons member firms. It does not provide services to clients or represent its members, is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of the network member firms, and does not control the exercise of their professional judgement or bind them in any way. No King & Wood Mallesons member firm or any of its partners or members is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm or of the Verein in any way. The Verein and the member firms and their partners and members are not part of a separate global partnership.

KWM Service Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verein KWM International which provides services to Verein KWM International and the King & Wood Mallesons member firms.

King & Wood Mallesons - Partners and offices

Where in this website we refer to an individual as a 'partner' we are referring to an individual who is a partner or member of a King & Wood Mallesons member firm or an employee or consultant in such a member firm with equivalent standing and qualifications to such a partner or member. Where in this website we refer to a King & Wood Mallesons "office" we are referring to an office of a King & Wood Mallesons member firm.

Your responsibilities as user

You are responsible for the consequences of your own decisions as to the use of the information and material contained in the website, and its possible application to any circumstances you may be facing. It is for you to decide whether you should obtain legal advice. You do not have to be a client of King & Wood Mallesons to use the website.

You may only view, download or print content from this website for your non-commercial, personal or internal business use. You must obtain our prior written consent if you wish to use or reproduce any content from the website for any other reason. This does not allow you in any form or by any means to:

  • Use any part of the website for an illegal purpose or in a way which is inaccurate or misleading or offensive, or which brings King & Wood Mallesons or any of its partners, other lawyers or employees into disrepute
  • Reproduce all or any material part of the content or design of this website, adapt, store in a retrieval system, transmit, print, display, perform, or publish or create derivative works from, any part of the content or design of this website
  • Cause any of the material on this website to be framed or embedded in another website
  • Commercialise any information, products or services on this website

except with our prior written consent or as permitted by applicable copyright law.

We reserve the right to exclude persons who do not respect the Terms of Use.

Website content

Except where another jurisdiction is specified, legal content on this website is based on laws applicable in the country or jurisdiction to which the page relates or in which the author practises. Material on this website may be updated and amended from time to time, and may not reflect the most recent legal developments.

Although you may be able to access this website in a jurisdiction in which King & Wood Mallesons does not have an office (or has an office that does not practice local law), King & Wood Mallesons does not represent that any of the member firms or any of their lawyers is permitted to provide legal advice on the laws of that jurisdiction.

Lawyer/Attorney Advertising

This website gives you information on the expertise and experience of our people, in particular our lawyers. Their success in the past does not guarantee a similar outcome in the future. Legal and commercial outcomes in the future, or where the laws of different jurisdictions apply, may differ from outcomes described in this website.

The State of New York has determined that under certain circumstances and for certain recipients, some of the material on this website may constitute attorney advertising within the meaning of sections 1200.1 and 1200.6-8 of Title 22 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulatory Attorney Advertising Regulations. The following statement is made on this website in accordance with those rules: ATTORNEY ADVERTISING; PRIOR RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE A SIMILAR OUTCOME.

Copyright and trade marks

Unless otherwise indicated and subject to applicable law, all rights (including copyright) in the content and design of this website are reserved. All such copyright is owned by KWM Service Limited or a King & Wood Mallesons member firm or is used under licence or applicable law. Copyright material on the website may be used only as set out in this Legal Notices and Terms of Use section. "King & Wood Mallesons" and "KWM" are registered trade marks and may not be used without our prior consent.

Links to or from other sites

Links to other sites from the pages on this website are for information only. In providing a link we do not endorse, and accept no responsibility for any material on, any website that is linked from, or that links to this website. Such sites may be controlled or produced by third parties. You must make your own decision to use such websites and to accept their terms of use and privacy and other policies.

You must not create or maintain any link from another website to this website without our written consent.

Exclusion of our liability

Save to the extent that any liability cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law (including liability for death or personal injury, or for fraud or reckless disregard of professional obligations), all liability of the King & Wood Mallesons member firms, and their affiliates, partners, other lawyers and employees, to you or any other person for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising from or relating in any way to any material and/or any use of the website, or the availability of the website or any content, is excluded.

The Internet is not a secure medium and communications to and from this website may be intercepted or altered in transit. We do not warrant that the website is free from anything which may damage any computer or other device which accesses the website or any data on such computer or other device.

Contact us

This website is provided by KWM Service Limited, a company registered in the Cayman Islands (no 266187) of 13/F Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. It is notified under the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 1998, and for the purposes of that Act (in relation to the personal information on and collected through this website) has appointed KWM Europe LLP of 11th floor, 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BY as its representative in the United Kingdom.

Please contact your usual King & Wood Mallesons contact or use the contact details associated with the webpage(s) which prompts you to make such contact. 

Click here for more information about fraudulent communications purporting to be from King & Wood Mallesons. 

Terms of use in other countries and regions

We practise law in Australia through King & Wood Mallesons with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra.

The legal profession in Australia is regulated under various state and territory laws.  Australian lawyers of King & Wood Mallesons are regulated by the legal profession legislation in the state or territory in which they are admitted to practise law.

In Australia the Privacy Officer can be contacted at King & Wood Mallesons, Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, or on +61 2 9296 2000, for email please click here.

We practise law in China through 金杜律师事务所 (King & Wood Mallesons), a partnership in The People’s Republic of China, which has offices in China in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Qingdao, Ji'nan, and Sanya.

We practise law in Hong Kong through 金杜律师事务所 / King & Wood Mallesons, a partnership established under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People’s Republic of China.  Its office is at 13/F Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.  A list of the firm's principals will be provided on request.

In Hong Kong, the Data Protection Officer can be contacted at King & Wood Mallesons, 13/F Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong, or on +852 3443 1000, for email please click here.

Our practice in Japan is operated by King & Wood Mallesons Law Offices (Foreign Law Joint Enterprise), a partnership under the laws of Japan. Its principal place of business is 21st floor, Marunouchi Nijubashi Building, 3-2-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

King & Wood Mallesons Law Offices (Foreign Law Joint Enterprise) is authorized to practice Japanese laws and foreign laws in Japan and regulated by the Attorneys Act (Act No. 205 of 1949), the Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (Act No. 66 of 1986) and the rules published by Japan Federation of Bar Associations.

We handle personal data in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act (Law No. 57 of 2003, the “PIPA”) and its relevant guidelines. If there are any discrepancies between terms and conditions of this disclaimer and the PIPA, then the PIPA and our privacy policy prevail.  

Any references to Japan law on this website or in our publications are for general information only and do not constitute legal or other advice on any specific matter.  For further information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Our practice in Singapore is operated by King & Wood Mallesons LLP, which is registered with limited liability in Singapore (UEN T15LL0218A). Its registered office and principal place of business is at 138 Market Street, #09-03, CapitaGreen, Singapore. References to King & Wood Mallesons LLP on this page are to that limited liability partnership registered in Singapore (and not to other entities in other jurisdictions having the same or a similar name).

King & Wood Mallesons LLP in Singapore is a “Licensed Foreign Law Practice” which means that it can only practise foreign law and not Singapore law.

The Singapore data protection officer is able to answer on behalf of King & Wood Mallesons LLP an individual’s questions about its collection, use or disclosure of personal data; the Singapore data protection officer can be contacted at King & Wood Mallesons LLP, 8 Marina View, #36-01, Asia Square Tower 1, Singapore or on +65 6653 6500.

Any references to Singapore law on this website or in our publications are for general information only and do not constitute legal advice or represent that we are entitled to advise on Singapore law. If you require advice on Singapore law, we would be pleased to arrange this for you from a Singapore qualified law firm.

King & Wood Mallesons LLP, a New York registered limited liability partnership, operates in and from New York City. References to King & Wood Mallesons LLP on this page are to that New York registered limited liability partnership (and not to other entities having the same or a similar name).

The purpose of this website is to provide general information only, which may or may not reflect the most current legal developments and does not constitute legal or other professional advice.  Users should seek appropriate legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction before taking or refraining from taking any action in reliance on any information contained in this website.

The presentation of this website and the information contained in it are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between King & Wood Mallesons LLP and any user of the website.  Accordingly, use of this website or the sending of an electronic communication or inquiry through the website will not create an attorney/client relationship with King & Wood Mallesons LLP or with any lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons LLP.  Any information sent to King & Wood Mallesons LLP via e-mail or through this website is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis.

This website contains Attorney Advertising; prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

King & Wood Mallesons LLP expressly disclaims all liability based on any information contained in this website.

The personal liability of the partners of King & Wood Mallesons LLP is limited as provided under the laws of the State of New York.

King & Wood Mallesons LLC provides representative office services for the China offices of King & Wood Mallesons from its offices in New York City and Silicon Valley.  It does not provide legal services.