Uranium, the energy transition & the nuclear fuel global supply chain

In 2023, the Sapporo 5 (a strategic partnership between the United States, Canada, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom) agreed to collaborate to develop a secure and resilient global nuclear supply chain.

16 September 2024

Critical Minerals - Funding initiatives & the 2024 Federal Budget

Following the recent announcement of the 2024 Federal Budget and the upcoming Future Made in Australia Act, the Federal Government’s end-to-end energy transition focus is clear. As highlighted in our earlier insight, Minister for Resources Madeleine King has indicated that critical minerals funding will be vital in building the foundation of the Future Made in Australia Act, which was reflected in the 2024 Federal Budget announcements.

31 May 2024

Commonwealth releases details on Capacity Investment Scheme in Western Australia

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has shed more light on how the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) will operate in Western Australia’s Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM), with the release of a Western Australia Design Paper (Design Paper) on 12 April 2024.

02 May 2024

Australia’s Foreign Investment Regime and Critical Minerals – “major overhaul” to be announced today by the Treasurer

As the global energy transition continues to develop, change is on the horizon. Global critical mineral supply and demand, technological development, and the clean energy transition will continue to drive investment as government and industry stakeholders look for opportunities.

01 May 2024

Accelerated planning permit application assessment for renewables projects in Victoria

Victoria’s Minister for Planning has gazetted changes which enable accelerated assessment of planning applications for renewable energy facilities, utility installations, and associated subdivisions, to unlock investment and help Victoria meet its legislated emissions reduction, renewable energy, and net zero targets.

23 April 2024

New year, and a new dawn for hydrogen and renewable energy regulation in South Australia

The South Australian Government has passed an important legislative reforms for the regulation and licensing of hydrogen production and renewable energy facilities, expected to make it a ‘first mover’ among Australian State and Territory jurisdictions in 2024.

19 January 2024

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Regional Snapshot

In our country chapters, we look at initiatives to encourage the transition to a net zero economy – across emissions reduction targets, carbon markets, financing, transport, housing and buildings, and agriculture. Here is a brief snapshot. More detail and examples are in the country chapters.

24 November 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Chapter 5: the Republic of Korea

Among the largest economies in the world by GDP and a powerful member of the G20, the Republic of Korea has developed a strong industrial activity sector in recent decades.

24 November 2023

Navigating the new zero transition - Chapter 6: Japan

Japan is the third-largest economy in the world and among the world’s highest emitters. Home to approximately 126.5 mn people, Japan consists of several thousand islands most of which are covered by mountains and surrounded by steep shorelines. The topography limits renewable energy development and Japan’s susceptibility to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes has impacted nuclear generation following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant accident. Triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake, this event tipped Japan’s economy into recession. A little over a decade on, Japan’s economy is showing signs of recovery – and investors are circling.

24 November 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Chapter 2: Indonesia

Indonesia is at a critical juncture in shaping its energy future. The archipelago nation faces the challenge of boosting energy supply by ensuring universal electricity access for its people by 2040, while cutting carbon emissions to reach its net zero target by 2060. This is happening against a backdrop of one of the fastest-growing economies globally. Indonesia has experienced rapid economic growth since the 1970s, reducing poverty levels across its population of almost 280 million. Now, climate change threatens its diverse ecosystem. Communities are vulnerable to flooding, rising sea levels and heatwaves.

24 November 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Chapter 4: Vietnam

Vietnam is among the fastest growing markets in ASEAN. Strategically located in the centre of Southeast Asia, its GDP, foreign direct investment and middle-income population have all grown over the past decade. Vietnam’s share of annual global emissions is relatively small - approximately 0.88% in 2021 - for a population of almost 100 million, or roughly 1.2% of the world’s people. The country is severely affected by climate change. With 3,260 km long coastline, many low-lying cities and river delta regions, Vietnam ranks first in the world for exposure to flooding alongside Bangladesh. The World Bank estimates Vietnam lost around US$10 billion in 2020 due to climate impacts. Without appropriate adaption and mitigation measures, climate change could cost Vietnam around 12% to 14.5% of GDP annually by 2050 according to World Bank estimates.

24 November 2023

Navigating The Net Zero Transition - Chapter 3: The Philippines

The Philippines is among the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. Increases in the frequency and intensity of typhoons, changes in rainfall patterns, rising sea levels and increasing temperatures all pose a serious threat to the archipelago nation’s ecosystems and its 100 million+ population. This makes poverty-reduction efforts even harder.

24 November 2023

Navigating The New Zero Transition - Chapter 1: Singapore

The net zero transition presents significant opportunities for Singapore, with its export-oriented, innovation-hungry, open economy. Yet it also carries significant challenges. Singapore is managing water and food scarcity, and rising sea levels threaten the low-lying landmass.

23 November 2023

Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023: The next step in QLD’s energy transition

After four weeks of consultation on an exposure draft in June, the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (the Bill) was introduced to Parliament this week to enshrine the commitments from the Plan into law.

26 October 2023

What carbon offset strategy best suits your business?

The voluntary carbon markets present a range of opportunities for business to execute its decarbonisation strategy. Under Australia’s predominant carbon market, the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme administered by the Clean Energy Regulator, more than 13 million ACCUs were transacted in the first quarter of 2023. This is over half the number transacted in 2022, and more than the total transacted in 2020 and 2021 combined.[1]

05 September 2023

The Safeguard Mechanism is now law – here’s your to-do list for Australia’s new carbon rules

The Federal Government has reformed the Safeguard Mechanism to put Australia’s largest industrial emitters on a pathway to net zero by 2050.

08 August 2023

Is Your Global Value Chain Sustainable? Europe’s Rules Herald New Era of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD)

New rules in the EU that will force large companies to check their value chain for any negative human rights and environmental impacts have inched closer.

31 July 2023

Finalised gas market code comes into effect

The Competition and Consumer (Gas Market Code) Regulations was passed on 6 July 2023 (the Code).

12 July 2023

Gas market reforms – a step too far? Australian Government proposes further reforms in its “need for intervention” in the Australian gas market

On 9 February, the Australian Government announced proposed changes to the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) and requested feedback from relevant stakeholders.

08 March 2023

“Need for intervention”: Federal Government releases exposure drafts on gas market instruments

The exposure drafts issued by the Federal Government reflect the establishment of a very broad regulatory framework through which the ACCC can regulate the supply and acquisition of gas.

13 December 2022

Hydrogen takes centre stage in Singapore’s net zero transition

The Singapore government plans to put low-carbon hydrogen at the heart of plans to accelerate its transition to a net zero economy, releasing a National Hydrogen Strategy to build capability in the space.

01 November 2022

Green is the new black! Australia and Singapore trailblaze with ‘first-of-its-kind’ Green Economy Agreement

On 18 October 2022 trade ministers in Australia and Singapore signed the Green Economy Agreement (GEA).

20 October 2022

Safeguard mechanism reforms – consultation opens on draft legislation

On 10 October 2022, the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) opened submissions on exposure draft legislation to reform the Safeguard Mechanism under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) (NGER Act).

12 October 2022

Queensland: A Renewable Energy Superpower

On 28 September 2022, the Queensland Government released the ‘Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan’ (Energy Plan). The $62 billion Energy Plan aims to evolve Queensland into a renewables, hydrogen and clean energy superpower.

30 September 2022

Australian Federal Government releases consultation paper on reforms of the safeguard mechanism

The Australian Federal Government’s Climate Change Bill, which incorporates Australia’s new emissions reduction targets of 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050, is well on the way to becoming law.

29 August 2022

Federal Budget 2022-23: Energy & Fuel Excise Deep Dive

In our full Federal Budget Report, we reflected on the fact that Australia remains a ‘lucky’ country in having a stable political environment, vast natural resources and low unemployment. The challenge for the Government will be capitalising on those advantages and being able to smooth short term issues while still ensuring long term prosperity.

30 March 2022

National Gas Infrastructure Plan & Future Gas Infrastructure Investment Framework

These publications outline the Federal Government’s approach to ensuring that sufficient supplies of domestic gas are provided to the Australian east coast gas market. The NGIP and Investment Framework replace the interim NGIP[3] and outline specific short and long-term gas infrastructure projects that the Government may support.

07 February 2022

Victorian onshore gas exploration: Requirements for restarting operations

Written by Dominic Townsend and Grace Lewis.

01 February 2022

Major changes to noise regulation of wind farms in Victoria

Written by Mark Beaufoy and Bridget Phelan.

26 October 2021

Lights on for the CDR in the energy sector

This article was written by Kendra Fouracre and Cheng Lim

25 August 2021

Green light for the onshore Victorian conventional gas industry

This article was written by Scott Langford, Dominic Townsend and Luci Kjar-Crutterden

27 April 2021

South Australian planning reforms now in full force

This article is written by Tom Crompton and Mark Beaufoy.

25 March 2021

They’re back. ‘Big stick’ electricity laws re-introduced

This article was written by Simon Cooke.

20 September 2019

Taking charge: Federal Government releases consultation paper for CCA amendments targeting the electricity sector

The Federal Government's recent focus on energy markets – and electricity pricing in particular – continued yesterday with the release of a consultation paper detailing changes it is proposing to introduce into the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) that are aimed specifically at electricity market participants, particularly retailers and generators.

25 October 2018

AEMC proposes changes for generators seeking to connect to the national electricity grid

The AEMC is currently considering implementing a rule change that proposes "a flexible approach to setting standards that enables targeted, least-cost ways of connecting new generators". The rule change amends:

21 June 2018

NEG – a key step forward but many more to come

This article was written by Vishal Ahuja, Cal Maher and Estelle Petrie.

26 April 2018

10 things to look out for in the National Energy Guarantee announcement

This article was written by Louis Chiam and Estelle Petrie.

19 April 2018